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Date Key Milestone
22 June 2015 Nominations for the Quality Building Award 2016 Start
6 November 2015
12:00 noon
Nomination deadline
The Jury / Assessment Process
November 2015 Stage I   First Screening
  • Nominated projects will be screened in accordance with the judging criteria and will be short-listed to enter into Stage II
16 & 17 January 2016 Stage II  Site Visits
  • Site visits will be conducted for short-listed projects from each category (except for "Building Outside Hong Kong" categories).
  • Finalists will be selected to enter into Stage III.
18 & 19 March 2016 Stage III Finalists Presentation to Jury Panel cum Conference
  • The finalists from each award category will conduct finalist presentations to the Jury Panel.
June 2016 QBA 2016 Award Presentation Banquet
  • Awards winners will be officially announced at the Award Presentation Banquet