
Judging Criteria

Jury panel will consider the following judging criteria with below scores distribution for different award categories:
Judging Criteria
  1. Project Organization and Development Aims
    1.1 Team building
    Mission and achievement*
    Total Quality and risk management
    Social and cultural deliverables
    Added values#
  1. Built Environment, Planning and Design
    2.1 Site planning, considerations and proposals
    2.2 Aesthetic, practical and creative design
    2.3 Refinement in quality, durability and buildability*
    2.4 Distinctive features beyond statutory requirements and general practices
    2.5 Solutions for challenges and limitations#
  1. Smart Construction
    3.1 Construction planning, collaboration and communication
    Methodology, technology and innovative applications#
    Quality, cost and time control and deliverables
    3.4 Safety, health, environment management and achievement*
  1. Cost
    4.1 Cost effectiveness and benefits of engineering, design and procurement strategy
    Considerations and allocations for Green Financing
    Considerations in operation, maintenance and public awareness #
    Intangibles, e.g. brand image, social recognition
  1. Green and Sustainability
    5.1 Policies, strategies and accomplishment*
    5.2 Application of energy efficiency, waste control, resources management, indoor environmental quality and emissions reduction*
    5.3 Reduce, reuse, recycle: upcycle, and transform*
    5.4 Application of innovative technology, greening and performance beyond rules and statutory requirements*#
  1. Property and Facility Management
    6.1 Corporate social responsibility
    6.2 Customer and user experience
    6.3 Facility management strategy, resilience planning*
    6.4 Operations efficiency, technology and innovation#

* Score(s) in this part will be included in Sustainable Development Award
# Score(s) in this part will be included in Innovative Project Award