
Award Categories

Quality Building Award 2022 is open for nominations under the following six categories:
  1. Hong Kong Residential (Single Building)
  • Nominated new buildings must be a single independent structure/ single tower, not part of a complex containing other buildings. 
  • The Major Function of the nominated building must be for residential use. 
  1. Hong Kong Residential (Multiple Buildings)
  • Nominated new buildings must be a group of buildings/ more than a single tower of similar kinds, which form a residential complex. 
  • The Major Function of the nominated multiple buildings must be for residential use. 
  1. Hong Kong Non-Residential (New Building - Government, Institution or Community)
  • The Major Function of the nominated new building must be for Government, Institution or Community use. 
  • Nominated new buildings may be single or multiple buildings. 
  1. Hong Kong Non-Residential (New Building - Non-Government, Institution or Community)
  • The Major Function of the nominated new building must be for non-residential use or non-GIC use. 
  • Nominated new buildings may be single or multiple buildings. 
  1. Hong Kong Building (Renovation / Revitalization)
  • Any nominated existing building must have undergone and completed a renovation, restoration, revitalization or similar process to its physical structure and/or communal facilities. 
  • Nominated existing buildings may be residential or non-residential buildings. 
  1. Building Outside Hong Kong
  • Nominated buildings must be outside the territorial limits of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 
  • Nominated buildings can be new or existing buildings. 
  • Any nominated existing building must have undergone and completed a renovation, restoration, revitalization or similar process to its physical structure and/or communal facilities. 
  • The Major Function of the nominated building may be a residential or non-residential building. 
*Nominated project teams should submit a video documenting their project, to be remotely assessed by the judging panel.
  1. Temporary Building
  • Nominated building is designed and constructed for temporary purpose and / or constructed of short-lived materials.  
  • Nominated new building serves one or several functional uses, such as residential, commercial, institutional, and for exhibition & leisure purposes.  
*Nominated project teams should submit a photo and video documenting their project, to be remotely assessed by the judging panel.