- Download Nomination Forms: Nominations with duly completed and signed nomination forms (Please download it here)
- Nomination deadline & submission details:
- Submission Deadline: on or before 12:00 noon, Friday, 1 November 2013
- Nomination documents & materials need to be delivered to QBA 2014 Secretariat Office at Room 1106-08, 11/F, C. C. Wu Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
- Late submission will NOT be considered.
- Nomination fee:
- HKD5,000.00 will be collected for each nominated project (one nomination in one category only).
- The nomination fee is non-refundable once submitted.
- Submitted nomination fee of any ineligible building or project will not be refunded also.
Required nomination documents / materials:
- Duly completed and signed Nomination Form
- Payment cheque (HKD5,000.00 / nomination) payable to “HKIE – Building Division”
- Hard Copy of Occupation Permit:
- Occupation Permits (OP or Phased OP), Acknowledgement letters on BA14 or Certificates of Completion (in the case of Government/HA projects) of nominated project.
- 1 Hard Copy (no binding) and 12 digital copies (i.e. DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) MUST contain:-
- Soft copy of nomination document in “.pdf” format.
- Soft copy of Occupation Permits (OP or Phased OP), Acknowledgement letters on BA14 or Certificates of Completion (in the case of Government/HA projects) of nominated project.
- Nomination document with the followings:
- A maximum of 10,000 words to illustrate the merits under the judging criteria. (please refer to “Judging Criteria” for details).
- A maximum of 20 pages in A3 Landscape size of content materials for each nominated project.
- Min. 6 electronic image files showing the entry project. [Format: in “.tiff” or “.jpg” format and image resolution no less than 350 dpi]